How to make a pixel art diamond chest-plate in minecraft

Make a Pixel Art Diamond Chest-Plate in Minecraft


Create this frame out of black stained clay.

Create this frame out of black stained clay.

Now, copy this assortment of prismarine bricks. This will be the secondary color.

Now, copy this assortment of prismarine bricks. This will be the secondary color.

Simply place 3 quartz blocks in the area you see I did.

Simply place 3 quartz blocks in the area you see I did.

Fill in the rest with diamond blocks and you are done! Enjoy this beauty in your creative world, or very rich survival world!

  • 54.0 Diamond Blocks
  • 35.0 Prismarine Bricks
  • 3.0 Quarts Blocks
  • 40.0 Black Stained Clay Blocks