How to make a pink unicorn frappuccino

Make a Pink Unicorn Frappuccino


Gather all your ingredients

Gather all your ingredients

Put the ice inside the blender

Put the ice inside the blender

Add some milk

Add some milk

And two big spoon of ice-cream

And two big spoon of ice-cream

Add the raspberry syrup in the blender

Add the raspberry syrup in the blender

Pour the pink food colouring into the blender

Pour the pink food colouring into the blender

Blend all the ingredients together

Blend all the ingredients together

Blue syrup :  For the blue syrup add sweetened condensed milk

Blue syrup : For the blue syrup add sweetened condensed milk

Add some blue food colouring and mix it all together

Add some blue food colouring and mix it all together

The mixture should look like this. Take a spoon and drizzle the blue syrup into the cup

The mixture should look like this. Take a spoon and drizzle the blue syrup into the cup

Carefully pour the pink mixture into the cup

Carefully pour the pink mixture into the cup

Add some whipped cream

Add some whipped cream

Last step  Add some of your favorite topping and a straw

Last step Add some of your favorite topping and a straw

  • Blender
  • Ice
  • Ice-cream
  • Rasberry syrup
  • Pink food colouring
  • Milk
  • Blue food colouring
  • Sweetened condensed milk