How to make a phone projector

Make a Phone Projector


gather all the things you will need to make this

gather all the things you will need to make this

get a magnifying glass, preferably larger

get a magnifying glass, preferably larger

get a shoebox, preferably a longer one like a converse shoebox

get a shoebox, preferably a longer one like a converse shoebox

with a wired hanger, create a phone stand; I tried and failed but if you have a normal stand that will work too

with a wired hanger, create a phone stand; I tried and failed but if you have a normal stand that will work too

trace the glass on the box and cut it, you may want to cut the hole of it a little smaller than the trace so it won't fall through, it would be easier to use an exacto  knife rather than scissors

trace the glass on the box and cut it, you may want to cut the hole of it a little smaller than the trace so it won't fall through, it would be easier to use an exacto knife rather than scissors

put the magnifying glass in the hole and tape it to stay if you need to

put the magnifying glass in the hole and tape it to stay if you need to

put your phone and phone stand in the box and move it to where you can see the best clarity

put your phone and phone stand in the box and move it to where you can see the best clarity

then, if needed, tape any holes that are in the box that will imperfect the screen

then, if needed, tape any holes that are in the box that will imperfect the screen

turn off the lights to see your phone screen on the wall

turn off the lights to see your phone screen on the wall

adjust the projector to where it is showable on the wall and watch any movie or tv show on the "big screen"

The creator of this guide has not included tools