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Collect your supplies

Collect your supplies

Take the two slices of bread (you can use any type of bread) and spread the peanut butter on one slice

Take the two slices of bread (you can use any type of bread) and spread the peanut butter on one slice

And jam on the other! (You can use any type of jam)

And jam on the other! (You can use any type of jam)

The next steps are optional

Then put honey on ONE slice NOT both! (if you put honey on both it will be too sweet)

Then put honey on ONE slice NOT both! (if you put honey on both it will be too sweet)

Cut the Granny Smith apple into thin slices (thick slices are okay to)

Cut the Granny Smith apple into thin slices (thick slices are okay to)

Put four of the slices onto the sandwich (two on each slice of bread) and have the rest of the slices as a side!

Put four of the slices onto the sandwich (two on each slice of bread) and have the rest of the slices as a side!

Put one handful of raisins on each slice of bread

Put one handful of raisins on each slice of bread

Take the banana, and cut it into slices

Take the banana, and cut it into slices

Put eight pieces on the sandwich, four on each slice

SAMPLES FOR EVERYONE (who isn't alergic to honey)

  • 1.0 Knife
  • 1.0 Jar of peanut butter
  • 1.0 Jar of jam
  • 2.0 Slices of bread
  • 2.0 Whole bananas
  • 1.0 Tin of raisins
  • 1.0 Jar of honey
  • 1.0 Granny Smith apple