How to make a paracord dog leash

Make a Paracord Dog Leash


Double up the 2 strands of 550 paracord and attach to the snap latch with lark's head knots.

Double up the 2 strands of 550 paracord and attach to the snap latch with lark's head knots.

Follow my numbering system in order to create a 4-strand braid.  This picture shows the beginning state.

Follow my numbering system in order to create a 4-strand braid. This picture shows the beginning state.

Step one to begin the 4-strand braid.

Step one to begin the 4-strand braid.

Step 2 for creating a 4-strand braid.

Step 2 for creating a 4-strand braid.

Step 3 - Now continue the progression as I've shown in these 3 steps.

Step 3 - Now continue the progression as I've shown in these 3 steps.

Now you can see the braid taking shape.  Once you have the pattern down, it's easy.  But it will take some time.  Continue braiding until you have about 10 inches of loose paracord.

Now you can see the braid taking shape. Once you have the pattern down, it's easy. But it will take some time. Continue braiding until you have about 10 inches of loose paracord.

Fold the loose 10 inches of paracord back around to the main body of the leash.  Leave a big enough loop that will fit comfortably in your hand.

Fold the loose 10 inches of paracord back around to the main body of the leash. Leave a big enough loop that will fit comfortably in your hand.

Unfold the paperclip so that you can use it to splice the loose paracord back into the main body of the leash.

Unfold the paperclip so that you can use it to splice the loose paracord back into the main body of the leash.

This and the next two photos show how I use the paper clip to splice the paracord with the leash.

This and the next two photos show how I use the paper clip to splice the paracord with the leash.

Continuing to splice the paracord together for the leash handle.

Continuing to splice the paracord together for the leash handle.

Take each loose strand and splice into the leash 3 or 4 times.  Weave these strands in and neatly follow the pattern of the existing braid.

Take each loose strand and splice into the leash 3 or 4 times. Weave these strands in and neatly follow the pattern of the existing braid.

Okay, I could have probably done this a little neater than shown.  But after the splicing process cut the excess paracord and singe the ends.

Okay, I could have probably done this a little neater than shown. But after the splicing process cut the excess paracord and singe the ends.

A look at the finished leash handle.

A look at the finished leash handle.

The finished product.  Now take that wonderful dog of yours for a walk.  Enjoy!

The finished product. Now take that wonderful dog of yours for a walk. Enjoy!

  • 2 - 16 foot strands of 550 paracord
  • 1 paper clip
  • scizzors and lighter
  • 1 snap latch