How to make a mozzarella anchovy cup cake

Make a Mozzarella Anchovy Cup Cake


Prepare your ingredients

Prepare your ingredients

Clean your anchovies

Clean your anchovies

Cut your fresh mozzarella

Cut your fresh mozzarella

A drop of oil in a small oven pot

A drop of oil in a small oven pot

Me checking all coming well

Me checking all coming well

A first layer of anchovies

A first layer of anchovies

Mix tasty breadcrumbs (check my guide on breadcrumbs) of sage and rosemary with parmesan cheese. One spoon of breadcrumbs and one of parmesan

Mix tasty breadcrumbs (check my guide on breadcrumbs) of sage and rosemary with parmesan cheese. One spoon of breadcrumbs and one of parmesan

Add a layer of fresh mozzarella

Add a layer of fresh mozzarella

A layer of breadcrumbs

A layer of breadcrumbs

Conitue making one layer after another

Conitue making one layer after another

Till you arrive to the top

Till you arrive to the top

Ready for oven. Have oven preheated at 250 degrees celsius and bake for 10-15 minutes. Check often to not burn

Ready for oven. Have oven preheated at 250 degrees celsius and bake for 10-15 minutes. Check often to not burn

Seems ready

Seems ready

Serve and buon appetito

  • 20.0 Anchovies
  • 1.0 Fresh mozzarella
  • 1.0Tbsp Olive oil
  • 1.0c Breadcrumbs (check guide for tasty breadcrumbs)
  • 3.0Tbsp Parmesan cheese