How to make a mosaic stain glass table from scraps
Make a Mosaic Stain Glass Table From Scraps
This table has some dents and scaring. Perfect for a make over.
I will use colored glass pieces that would normally be discarded. I used a sanding stone to dull the sharp edges. This is time consuming, but the out come is gratifying.
Start by glueing long green glass around the table. I am using white glue. It dries clear and is a strong bond.
Continue adding long pieces of green glass to resemble grass on the rim of the table.
Depending on colors of glass you have and the shape of the pieces depicts what flowers or designs you can add.
This flower reminds me of a Shasta daisy.
The flowers,leaves,and grasses are impressions . No rules just have fun
The large white daisy like flowers I glued to the table were first then adding the red rosé impression.
Depending on colors I added purple, pink, and yellow.
Once satisfied with the filling in of flowers , it's time to do the back ground color.
A clear blue background will be evident once the white glue dries
After all the glue dries I will use black grout
Table is now complete. For grouting instructions see my guide, make a dish with small stones.
- Broken colored glass
- Small table for two
- White glue
- Glass cutter
- Marker
- Grout