How to make a mixed yogurt coleslaw

Make a Mixed Yogurt Coleslaw


Grab all the supplies *cucumber is needed*

Grab all the supplies *cucumber is needed*

Boil the eggs for 15mins with medium heat

Boil the eggs for 15mins with medium heat

Chop all the ingredients into slices

Chop all the ingredients into slices

Chop cabbage into slices as well

Chop cabbage into slices as well

Based with a cup of yogurt

Based with a cup of yogurt

Add some supplies on the yogurt

Add some supplies on the yogurt

Add some cabbage and blend with the yogurt

Add some cabbage and blend with the yogurt

Add more cabbage and all the eggs, blend with some yogurt

Add more cabbage and all the eggs, blend with some yogurt

Topped with rest of the supplies

Topped with rest of the supplies

Add the rest of the yogurt. Done !

  • Cabbage
  • Cucumber
  • Egg
  • Yogurt
  • Tomato
  • Carrot
  • broccoli