Pick your spot
Build a 4 block (2x2) up as high as you want the shaft or tree to go. This is purely a base
Now make a base for the leaves
Add the leaves so the wood is covered
Finish up the other leaves like this except for the top, each leaf spot is were a house will go
House one is built. You can make anything
I did a basic square house with a triangle roof
The second one is more of a look out style
And lastly the outline for the top. The top should be the most interesting
Finished the top and a bit more detail was added to the lookout
Wake a winding staircase. To do this I placed 2 stairs each going up a block then when I got the the corner I placed a half slab on the end of the last stair I placed the continued on the other side
Add lamps (type 1)
(Type 2)
Add decorations and enjoy
The creator of this guide has not included tools
Maple And Sally
Hey\nI'm a minecraft addict as well as a few other video games, feel free to take a look at them\n
Over the moon
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