How to make a minecraft treehouse

Make a Minecraft Treehouse


Pick your spot

Pick your spot

Build a 4 block (2x2) up as high as you want the shaft or tree to go. This is purely a base

Build a 4 block (2x2) up as high as you want the shaft or tree to go. This is purely a base

Now make a base for the leaves

Now make a base for the leaves

Add the leaves so the wood is covered

Add the leaves so the wood is covered

Finish up the other leaves like this except for the top, each leaf spot is were a house will go

Finish up the other leaves like this except for the top, each leaf spot is were a house will go

House one is built. You can make anything

House one is built. You can make anything

I did a basic square house with a triangle roof

I did a basic square house with a triangle roof

The second one is more of a look out style

The second one is more of a look out style

And lastly the outline for the top. The top should be the most interesting

And lastly the outline for the top. The top should be the most interesting

Finished the top and a bit more detail was added to the lookout

Finished the top and a bit more detail was added to the lookout

Wake a winding staircase. To do this I placed 2 stairs each going up a block then when I got the the corner I placed a half slab on the end of the last stair I placed the continued on the other side

Wake a winding staircase. To do this I placed 2 stairs each going up a block then when I got the the corner I placed a half slab on the end of the last stair I placed the continued on the other side

Add lamps (type 1)

Add lamps (type 1)

(Type 2)

(Type 2)



Add decorations and enjoy

Add decorations and enjoy


The creator of this guide has not included tools