How to make a melted crayon canvas

Make a Melted Crayon Canvas


Go to a store similar to Target, Walmart, or a craft store near you.

Go to a store similar to Target, Walmart, or a craft store near you.

At the store, purchase a canvas, and two packs of crayons.

At the store, purchase a canvas, and two packs of crayons.

At the store purchase a glue gun, if you do not already have one.

At the store purchase a glue gun, if you do not already have one.

In order to start the process, lay the canvas on a flat surface.

In order to start the process, lay the canvas on a flat surface.

Lay the crayons out on the canvas in the the order you want them in.

Lay the crayons out on the canvas in the the order you want them in.

Next, glue each of the crayons on the canvas one by one, until the top part of the canvas is covered.

Next, glue each of the crayons on the canvas one by one, until the top part of the canvas is covered.

Once all of the crayons are glued on the canvas, let the canvas sit for five minutes.

Once all of the crayons are glued on the canvas, let the canvas sit for five minutes.

Find blowdryer.

Find blowdryer.

Now, plug the blowdryer into the wall and turn it on.

Now, plug the blowdryer into the wall and turn it on.

Place the blowdryer over the canvas, and continue to blow air on the crayons until the crayons are melted.

Place the blowdryer over the canvas, and continue to blow air on the crayons until the crayons are melted.

Stand the canvas upright, and continue to melt the crayons.

Stand the canvas upright, and continue to melt the crayons.

Keep your canvas upright, and let the canvas dry and then you are finished with this!

  • A canvas
  • Hot glue gun
  • A pack or two of crayons
  • A blowdyrer