How to make a mason jar suction cup

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Here is What You Need

Here is What You Need

Soak the paper towel in the water.

Soak the paper towel in the water.

Place the damp paper towel flat on the plate.

Place the damp paper towel flat on the plate.

Light the paper on fire.

Light the paper on fire.

Place the lit paper inside the mason jar.

Place the lit paper inside the mason jar.

Quickly turn over the mason jar and press it onto the plate.

Quickly turn over the mason jar and press it onto the plate.

Wait until the paper burns out.

Wait until the paper burns out.

Slowly lift up the glass and watch the plate lift up with it.

Try using a different glass.

Try using a different glass.

Please visit for the science behind this experiment and more.

Please visit for the science behind this experiment and more.

  • Mason Jar
  • Plate
  • Bowl
  • Paper
  • Lighter
  • Paper Towel
  • Water