How to make a magazine bowl

Make a Magazine Bowl




Mix a little bit of water with the glue in a dish. Doing this makes i easy to spread the glue.

Mix a little bit of water with the glue in a dish. Doing this makes i easy to spread the glue.

Rip colorful, bright pages out of the magazines. You will need a lot of pages. Just an estaminet of maybe 100 pages or more

Rip colorful, bright pages out of the magazines. You will need a lot of pages. Just an estaminet of maybe 100 pages or more

This is the size of my bottom of the bowl. It's about 6 inches long

This is the size of my bottom of the bowl. It's about 6 inches long

The top one is the thickness of the bottom of the bowl and the one below it is the thickness of the sides

The top one is the thickness of the bottom of the bowl and the one below it is the thickness of the sides

These are the sides. I make different sizes of the rolls/ Sides for a cool look.

These are the sides. I make different sizes of the rolls/ Sides for a cool look.

Tadaaa... A magazine bowl

Tadaaa... A magazine bowl

The roll in the bottom

The roll in the bottom

With hole or......

With hole or......

...With out hole. It's up to you how you want it. I like it with out hole so things don't fall through it.

I made this for my mom for mothers day. I hope she likes it. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!

  • Magazines
  • Glue
  • Paintbrush
  • Hot glue gun