How to make a low-budget bio-filter for your pond

Very simple bio-filter suitable for goldfish


Measure pipe from your pump to the base of your header/filter tank and then add a little slacking

First wash your pillow (& pantyhose if recycled) warm wash NO DETERGENT

First wash your pillow (& pantyhose if recycled) warm wash NO DETERGENT

First cut the legs off

First cut the legs off

Cut a strip of foam and stuff it into the leg part. Tie a knot then keep adding foam strips till the end

Cut a strip of foam and stuff it into the leg part. Tie a knot then keep adding foam strips till the end

You should end up with a foam sausage

You should end up with a foam sausage

Once you have made all of your "sausages" place them into your header/filter tank and squeeze as much air out of the foam

Once you have made all of your "sausages" place them into your header/filter tank and squeeze as much air out of the foam

Make sausages with the tan pantyhose but stuff them with sugarcane mulch. Do NOT squash the air out when adding to tank

You will need to run your bio-filter for about 1 week to let the organisms build up in the "sausages" before adding fish

When connecting "exit" water for your pond it should be taken from about a "hand span" from the top water line

These little fingerlings live in a pond with this bio-filter... Cant wait till hes 70cm!!! Nom nom

These little fingerlings live in a pond with this bio-filter... Cant wait till hes 70cm!!! Nom nom

This is what i have in a pond after the comets... English Perch

  • Old foam pillow
  • Sugarcane mulch
  • Pantyhose (black)
  • Pantyhose (tan)
  • Pump pipe
  • Pump
  • Vented container