How to make a lego swing set

Make a Lego Swing Set


These are the pieces

These are the pieces

Slide on the pieces

Slide on the pieces

Push in the polls

Push in the polls

Slide the rest of the pieces showed

Slide the rest of the pieces showed

Add the tiny polls

Add the tiny polls

Then push on two of the pieces at the bottom of the swing

Then push on two of the pieces at the bottom of the swing

Push in the axle pegs

Push in the axle pegs

At the bars

At the bars

Attach the pegs

Attach the pegs

Push in the long sticks

Push in the long sticks

Add the little grey pieces in the bottom of the supports

Add the little grey pieces in the bottom of the supports

Push the support on

Push the support on

Add two axle pegs to each grey slide on thing

Add two axle pegs to each grey slide on thing

Add the blue and red ones and you are done

Add the blue and red ones and you are done

The creator of this guide has not included tools