How to make a lava lamp

Make a Lava Lamp


In this tutorial, you will be making a lava lamp that can be made with items just laying around your house. To make this, it will take about five minutes by following these next six steps.

First, you will need to lay out materials. Take out canola oil, water, dye, alkaseltzer, and a water bottle.

Second, fill the water bottle up half way with canola oil.

Third, fill a quarter of the water bottle with water. Due to the density, the water will drop to the bottom. Let it settle before continuing to the next step.

Next, add in 7 drops of the dye that you have chosen. Be careful not to get the dye on your hands. It may stain it for a week or so.

Then, place a flashlight underneath the bottle and turn the light on.

Lastly, drop in an alkaseltzer tablet and watch your new lava lamp bubble.

  • 1 empty water bottle
  • 1 container of canola oil
  • Water
  • 1 alkaseltzer tablet
  • Food color dye of your choice
  • Flashlight