How to make a knot bracelet

Make a Knot Bracelet


Gather supplies

Gather supplies

Cut your string so there all the same lengths

Cut your string so there all the same lengths

Tape it to a stable place I taped it to stable box

Tape it to a stable place I taped it to stable box

Tie a knot (blurry pic!)

Tie a knot (blurry pic!)

I have to switch bracelet colors because this is a different day but I'm doing the same thing! I'm sorry(:

Make a "p"

Make a "p"

Bring the string under

Bring the string under

Pull on the string

Pull on the string

Pull it till it get to top

Pull it till it get to top

Do this over and over again and when it gets to desired length do the same thing to another color and so on! You get it dontchya?(:

This is a finished one!

  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Bracelet thread