How to make a kit kat house

Make a Kit Kat House


Gather your supplies

Gather your supplies

Measure the sides of the kit Kat bar, so you can make the frame the right size. It should be 2 widths, 1 width, 1 length high and the roof is a half length.

Measure the sides of the kit Kat bar, so you can make the frame the right size. It should be 2 widths, 1 width, 1 length high and the roof is a half length.

The frame looks like this on the cardboard

The frame looks like this on the cardboard

Tape the frame together like so

Tape the frame together like so

Using icing as glue, stick the kit kats onto the frame

Using icing as glue, stick the kit kats onto the frame

Break off two pieces of the aero bar. One piece becomes the chimney, one the doorstep, and the large piece the door

Break off two pieces of the aero bar. One piece becomes the chimney, one the doorstep, and the large piece the door

Decorate however you like with candy and you're done!

  • 1.0 Cereal box
  • 8.0 Kit Kat bars
  • 1.0 Aero bars
  • 1.0 Pkg of skittles or other candy
  • Royal icing