How to make a kaleidocycle

Make a Kaleidocycle


Step 1: print the kaleidocycle template onto white card stock. You need two copies: Part one and Part two.

Step 1: print the kaleidocycle template onto white card stock. You need two copies: Part one and Part two.

Step 2: Draw a design on the triangles on your template. You can draw the same design in each triangle or you can draw different designs.

Step 2: Draw a design on the triangles on your template. You can draw the same design in each triangle or you can draw different designs.

Step 3: Go over your pencil lines with a sharpie. Go back and erase your pencil lines when you are done.

Step 3: Go over your pencil lines with a sharpie. Go back and erase your pencil lines when you are done.

Step 4: Color in your designs.

Step 4: Color in your designs.

Step 5: Carefully cut out your kaleidocycle along the outside lines and tabs.

Step 5: Carefully cut out your kaleidocycle along the outside lines and tabs.

Step 6: Carefully fold along all of the lines and tabs.  Make sure that you put sharp creases on your folds!

Step 6: Carefully fold along all of the lines and tabs. Make sure that you put sharp creases on your folds!

Step 7: Attach both parts of your kaleidocycle at the A and B tabs using a glue stick.

Step 7: Attach both parts of your kaleidocycle at the A and B tabs using a glue stick.

Step 8: Fold each section together to create a pyramid shape. Make sure that each part is stuck together well before going on to the next part.

Step 8: Fold each section together to create a pyramid shape. Make sure that each part is stuck together well before going on to the next part.

Step 9: This is what the first pyramid looks like.

Step 9: This is what the first pyramid looks like.

Step 10 :You should end up with a chain of 6 pyramids.

Step 10 :You should end up with a chain of 6 pyramids.

Step 11: Slide the last tab on one end into the slot on the other end to create a hexagon.

Step 11: Slide the last tab on one end into the slot on the other end to create a hexagon.

  • Copy of kaleidocycle template
  • Markers, covered pencils, markers or crayons
  • Glues sticks