How to make a jet

Make a Jet


Step 1: Fold in half and open again\ue00e

Step 1: Fold in half and open again

Step 2: fold down a corner into the middle

Step 2: fold down a corner into the middle

Step 3: fold the corner over again

Step 3: fold the corner over again

Step 4: do the same on the other side

Step 4: do the same on the other side

Step 5: fold it in half

Step 5: fold it in half

Step 6: make the wings

Step 7: fold up the tips if you want it to fly a little bit better

Step 7: fold up the tips if you want it to fly a little bit better

TA daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It also flys well

  • 1.0 Piece o paper
  • 1.0 You
  • 1.0 Me