How to make a homemade movie projector for your iphone.

Make a Homemade Movie Projector for Your iPhone.


Take your magnifying glass and break off the handle only leaving the lends.

Take your magnifying glass and break off the handle only leaving the lends.

Place the magnifying glass on the front of the shoebox and trace around it with a pen or marker.

Place the magnifying glass on the front of the shoebox and trace around it with a pen or marker.

Then cut out the outline.

Then cut out the outline.

Then glue or tape the magnifying glass into the hole.

Then glue or tape the magnifying glass into the hole.

Next, tape your white sheet where you want the screen to be.

Next, tape your white sheet where you want the screen to be.

When you are projecting an image your I phone screen has to be upside down .

Now for the inside of the box.

Put the phone in the business card holder and place it in the center of the box.

Put the phone in the business card holder and place it in the center of the box.

Close it up.

Close it up.

Place the projector on the stand.

Place the projector on the stand.

Turn the light off.

Now for the speaker this part is optional but it adds to the movie effect.

Trace the outline of the speaker on the back or on the side of the speaker.

Trace the outline of the speaker on the back or on the side of the speaker.

Put the speaker through the hole.

Then tape down the speaker from the inside.

Then tape down the speaker from the inside.

If you have a Bluetooth speaker like me here is how you connect to it.

Go to settings the turn Bluetooth on your devise should pop up.

Go to settings the turn Bluetooth on your devise should pop up.

Enjoy your Home made movie projector!

  • 1.0 Shoebox
  • 1.0 Magnifying glass
  • 1.0 iPhone/ iPod touch
  • 1.0 Glue bottle
  • 1.0 Business card holder
  • 1.0 White sheet
  • 1.0 Box cutter
  • 1.0 Sharpiee
  • 1.0 Blue tooth speaker (optional)
  • 5.0 Pieces of tape
  • 1.0 Stand for the projector