How to make a homemade cappuccino

Making your own homemade coffee drinks is easy and fun!


Get your ingredients ready. Here we have Christmas espresso from Starbucks, and some vanilla syrup for added flavor.

Get your ingredients ready. Here we have Christmas espresso from Starbucks, and some vanilla syrup for added flavor.

Fill espresso machine water reservoir.

The initial water is for brewing  the espresso. You will need additional water in order to steam the milk.

The initial water is for brewing the espresso. You will need additional water in order to steam the milk.

Open your bag of freshly ground espresso.

Open your bag of freshly ground espresso.

Pack into espresso container and secure into place.

Pack into espresso container and secure into place.

Hit the brew button/lever and enjoy the aroma!

Hit the brew button/lever and enjoy the aroma!

Pour your milk into a cup and prep for steaming/frothing.

Pour your milk into a cup and prep for steaming/frothing.

Begin steaming process.

Begin steaming process.

Get your final cup ready!

Get your final cup ready!

Pour desired amount of espresso into final cup. Remember: more espresso means more caffeine!

Pour desired amount of espresso into final cup. Remember: more espresso means more caffeine!

Add milk and froth. Stir.

Add milk and froth. Stir.

Enjoy your homemade drink!

Enjoy your homemade drink!

  • Espresso Machine
  • Espresso
  • Milk
  • Water
  • Cups
  • Flavored syrup