How to make a hippie flower headband

Make a Hippie Flower Headband


These are all the supplies you need, flowers, cord and needle n thread.

These are all the supplies you need, flowers, cord and needle n thread.

Measure around your head, keeping the cord at your fore head, leave atleast 3cms extra each side. Then stitch the flowers by the petals onto the cord.

Measure around your head, keeping the cord at your fore head, leave atleast 3cms extra each side. Then stitch the flowers by the petals onto the cord.

It should look like this after stitching.

It should look like this after stitching.

Add flowers leaving about 2-3 inches gap or however you like.

Add flowers leaving about 2-3 inches gap or however you like.

At the end, secure it, I learnt how to make this knot on youtube its pretty easy. Or just measure around your forehead and make a simple knot.

At the end, secure it, I learnt how to make this knot on youtube its pretty easy. Or just measure around your forehead and make a simple knot.

And it's ready! Wear it around your head tow check.

And it's ready! Wear it around your head tow check.

Looks like this!

  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread
  • Leather cord
  • 7-8 small flat fake flowers