How to make a healthy all fruit salad👍☺️❤️

Make a Healthy All Fruit Salad👍☺️❤️


Here are all the supplies your going to need

Here are all the supplies your going to need

Make sure to wash the strawberrys, grapes, and the apple! Excuse my finger

Make sure to wash the strawberrys, grapes, and the apple! Excuse my finger

Peal your banana and cut down the middle, then cut into pieces like so.

Peal your banana and cut down the middle, then cut into pieces like so.

I chose to cut my grapes in half but you can put them however way you want it.

You can choose to add honey of you want but I added. Here's your final result👍 I hope you guys like it😄

  • Strawberrys
  • Banana
  • Grapes
  • Apples
  • Honey(optional)