How to make a hawaiian-style spam breakfast

Did you know Hawaii is the top consumer of SPAM in the world? Oh yes. For an exciting twist on this mysterious canned meat, try this delicious breakfast, commonly served in Hawaii. Aloha!


Open can of SPAM carefully

Open can of SPAM carefully

Mix 2 tbs brown sugar, 2 tbs soy sauce 1 tsp olive oil, and 1 tsp cooking wine  in a bowl. Mix well.

Mix 2 tbs brown sugar, 2 tbs soy sauce 1 tsp olive oil, and 1 tsp cooking wine in a bowl. Mix well.

Carefully slice SPAM

Carefully slice SPAM

Like so...

Like so...

Cook rice (rice cooker HIGHLY recommended!)

Cook rice (rice cooker HIGHLY recommended!)

Heat frying pan to medium-high. Swirl some oil or liquid butter/margarine into pan.

Heat frying pan to medium-high. Swirl some oil or liquid butter/margarine into pan.

Cook SPAM for approx 5 minutes each side

Cook SPAM for approx 5 minutes each side

Should look like this on each side

Should look like this on each side

Add mixture to SPAM. TURN DOWN HEAT TO MEDIUM-low. Flip SPAM to absorb sauce on both sides,  then take pan off heat.

Add mixture to SPAM. TURN DOWN HEAT TO MEDIUM-low. Flip SPAM to absorb sauce on both sides, then take pan off heat.

While SPAM is resting , cook some eggs to your preference (Sunny-side up recommended as the yoke will run and mix with SPAM and rice)

While SPAM is resting , cook some eggs to your preference (Sunny-side up recommended as the yoke will run and mix with SPAM and rice)

Top rice with some yummy furikake. It gives your rice a crunchy and unique flavor!

Top rice with some yummy furikake. It gives your rice a crunchy and unique flavor!

And the final product, ready to eat. ONO -licious (ono=delicious in Hawaiian)

  • 1.0 can SPAM
  • 2.0Tbsp Tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2.0Tbsp Kikkoman soy sauce
  • 1.0tsp Olive oil
  • 1.0tsp Cooking wine
  • Cooked rice
  • Eggs (cooked to your liking)