How to make a gum wrapper bracelet

Make a Gum Wrapper Bracelet


Start with your paper. Make sure it is 4 &1 8th x1 13 16th inches or the size of a gum wrapper.

Start with your paper. Make sure it is 4 &1 8th x1 13 16th inches or the size of a gum wrapper.

Have the white side facing up.

Have the white side facing up.

Fold it in half.

Fold it in half.



Fold the 2 sides into the center line.

Fold the 2 sides into the center line.

Fold in half again.

Fold in half again.

Fold in the center of the strip.

Fold in the center of the strip.

Unfold and fold outer sides to the center crease.

Unfold and fold outer sides to the center crease.

Fold at the crease again

Fold at the crease again

Repeat steps 1-9 on another piece of paper.

Repeat steps 1-9 on another piece of paper.

Have the side with two pockets facing you

Have the side with two pockets facing you

Place one link inside the other keeping the pocket side toward you. Put the second link at the side where the two edges meet.

Place one link inside the other keeping the pocket side toward you. Put the second link at the side where the two edges meet.

Push the link so that it "links" with the other link.

Push the link so that it "links" with the other link.

Repeat steps 1-13

Repeat steps 1-13

Repeat steps until your bracelet is long enough to fit over your hand as well as around your wrist.

Repeat steps until your bracelet is long enough to fit over your hand as well as around your wrist.

Wrap around your wrist to make sure it is the right length. You should have an even number of links. For me it's 20 links.

Wrap around your wrist to make sure it is the right length. You should have an even number of links. For me it's 20 links.

Pull out the ends of the last link.

Pull out the ends of the last link.

Try to flatten these ends as best you can.

Try to flatten these ends as best you can.

Put the first link between the 2 ends.

Put the first link between the 2 ends.

Tuck the ends into the pockets of the first link.

Tuck the ends into the pockets of the first link.

Try to get them down as best you can.

Try to get them down as best you can.

Try to tuck the ends back into the 2nd to last link pockets, if you can't do this, just glue the ends into the links.

Try to tuck the ends back into the 2nd to last link pockets, if you can't do this, just glue the ends into the links.

Show off your bling!

Show off your bling!

Create a collection of awesome bracelets! Have fun!

  • Gum wrappers
  • Ruler
  • Glue or tape
  • Scissors
  • Jewelry findings