How to make a fuze beads peace sign

Make a Fuze Beads Peace Sign


Here's what you'll need.

Here's what you'll need.

First pick 3 colors for your peace sign. These are for the circle part, the peace part, and to fill in the inside.

Put the colors you pick in the bowl so it's easier to grab that color when your ready for it.

Put the colors you pick in the bowl so it's easier to grab that color when your ready for it.

Take your Template and your first color and do the outer ring of the template.

This is what it with look like.

This is what it with look like.

Next do a virdicle line in the middle, going all the way across the template.

It will look like this.

It will look like this.

Now make 2 diagonal lines near the bottom of the template.

It will look like this.

It will look like this.

Now fill in the peace sign.

This is what it will look like

Now take your wax paper and put it over your peace sign. Then take your iron and iron your peace sign. Take off the wax paper and your peace sign will be done.

  • Fuze Beads
  • Round Templete
  • Bowl (optional)
  • Wax Paper
  • Iron