How to make a fortune teller

Make a Fortune Teller


Make sure you have all of your supplies.

Make sure you have all of your supplies.

Fold the top right corner diagonally so it lines up. It should look like this.

Fold the top right corner diagonally so it lines up. It should look like this.

Unfold it and it should look like this.

Unfold it and it should look like this.

Fold the top left corner to the middle.

Fold the top left corner to the middle.

Do the same thing to all of the corners.

Do the same thing to all of the corners.

Fold in a corner to the middle like this.

Fold in a corner to the middle like this.

Fold in the rest of the corners. It should look like this when your done.

Fold in the rest of the corners. It should look like this when your done.

Unfold so it's flat. Then you can color each flap, you can put a pattern or you can put words. Whatever you want. It doesn't matter as long as they're all different.

Unfold so it's flat. Then you can color each flap, you can put a pattern or you can put words. Whatever you want. It doesn't matter as long as they're all different.

Flip it over and put numbers on each section. You can put whatever numbers you would like.

Flip it over and put numbers on each section. You can put whatever numbers you would like.

Open the flap and write a fortune on each side. You may put whatever you want.

Open the flap and write a fortune on each side. You may put whatever you want.

Do this on every flap.

Do this on every flap.

When your done you can fold it back up like you did in step 11. Now it is ready to use!

I hope you enjoyed and that it was helpful!

  • 1.0 Piece of paper
  • 1.0 Pair of scissors
  • 1.0 Pen or pencil
  • 4.0 Different markers