How to make a fool proof cream sauce for any occasion

Works on everything meats , sea foods , vegetables , potatoes


These are in your pasta section in the super market and come in many flavors

These are in your pasta section in the super market and come in many flavors

Get a sift

Get a sift

Pour out your pasta mix

Pour out your pasta mix

Pick out all the pasta keeping the rest

Pick out all the pasta keeping the rest

All done

All done

Pasta back in the bag for next time

Pasta back in the bag for next time

Read the back to see Measurements Re: liquid

Read the back to see Measurements Re: liquid

200 ml of vegetable stock

200 ml of vegetable stock

200 ml of milk

200 ml of milk

Add to your sauce pan and add a tea spoon of butter

Add to your sauce pan and add a tea spoon of butter

Warm and add your powder from the pasta packet

Warm and add your powder from the pasta packet

Bring to the boil

Bring to the boil

I like adding garlic

I like adding garlic

And cheese

And cheese

Keep stirring

Keep stirring

Once thickened enjoy on any thing , great on sea food , stakes , vegetables

  • Packet pasta meal there are so many
  • Milk
  • Vegetable Stock
  • Cheese (extra)
  • Garlic (extra)
  • Butter