How to make a flower head garland

Great for birthdays, weddings and festivals


Wash and dry some nice thick green leaves.  If you have floral spray give them a nice shine. Make sure they are dry before you start working.

Wash and dry some nice thick green leaves. If you have floral spray give them a nice shine. Make sure they are dry before you start working.

Twist colored pipe cleaners to the right head size.

Twist colored pipe cleaners to the right head size.

Cut crepe paper 3 inch width

Cut crepe paper 3 inch width

Run some glue down one side. The crepe paper strip should Br around 2 feet long

Run some glue down one side. The crepe paper strip should Br around 2 feet long

Make the flowers by pleating and turning the paper.  Build a little stem on the bottom where the glue is.

Make the flowers by pleating and turning the paper. Build a little stem on the bottom where the glue is.

I prepared 6 flowers.  Let the glue dry . Form the flowers by stretching out the paper.

I prepared 6 flowers. Let the glue dry . Form the flowers by stretching out the paper.

Heat up the glue gun.  Prepare sets of three leaves in each set. Try to keep the leaves all the same size

Heat up the glue gun. Prepare sets of three leaves in each set. Try to keep the leaves all the same size

Glue the leaves together. Don't worry about the ends you can snip them later.

Glue the leaves together. Don't worry about the ends you can snip them later.

Add a nice size drop of glue on the bottom of the flower   Watch you fingers the glue is hot!

Add a nice size drop of glue on the bottom of the flower Watch you fingers the glue is hot!

Press down through the middle of the flower

Press down through the middle of the flower

Let the glue cool. Then trim the ends.

Let the glue cool. Then trim the ends.

Now glue the flowers to the pipe cleaners. Keep the leaves in the same direction (I like it on the side )

Now glue the flowers to the pipe cleaners. Keep the leaves in the same direction (I like it on the side )

Keep it in the fridge (keeps 2 or 3 days)

Keep it in the fridge (keeps 2 or 3 days)

And there you have it! Beautiful !

And there you have it! Beautiful !

  • Green leaves
  • Crepe paper
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Glue
  • Hot glue gun