How to make a fish w/ ribbon - origami

Make a Fish W/ Ribbon - Origami


Lengths are approximated (personal choice). Binder clips shown are for weight purpose only to control curling for guidance photos. Ribbons are curly so consider using scotch tape for 1st try.

2 strips of 15" ribbon.  I used 2 colors for easier guidance.  This is a standard width ribbon cut lengthwise in 1/2 each color. If you use standard width, adjust your length longer.

2 strips of 15" ribbon. I used 2 colors for easier guidance. This is a standard width ribbon cut lengthwise in 1/2 each color. If you use standard width, adjust your length longer.

Fold one end 6"

Fold one end 6"

Tape at fold perpendicular.  Note that the red is on top of yellow.

Tape at fold perpendicular. Note that the red is on top of yellow.

Fold long yellow over red strip.

Fold long yellow over red strip.

Fold short red over to create a "V" shape.

Fold short red over to create a "V" shape.

For clarification, I'm labeling 1-long yellow, 2-short yellow.

For clarification, I'm labeling 1-long yellow, 2-short yellow.

3-long red, 4-short red

3-long red, 4-short red

Bring 1 (long yellow) between the reds.

Bring 1 (long yellow) between the reds.

Bring 1-yellow back up over 4-red.  Notice 3-red.

Bring 1-yellow back up over 4-red. Notice 3-red.

Bring 3-red up through loop from 1-yellow.  This will be referred to the "FACE", note label "F".

Bring 3-red up through loop from 1-yellow. This will be referred to the "FACE", note label "F".

Flip to other side, which will be referred to the "BACK", Note label "B".  Should look like this.  Notice 3-red.

Flip to other side, which will be referred to the "BACK", Note label "B". Should look like this. Notice 3-red.

Bring 3-red up through yellow loop.

Bring 3-red up through yellow loop.

Pull all ends gently to form this shape.

Pull all ends gently to form this shape.

Flip to FACE, slip 4-red under 3-red.

Flip to FACE, slip 4-red under 3-red.

Bring 4-red back down over 3-red

Bring 4-red back down over 3-red

Bring 3-red up over 4-red but under 1-yellow.

Bring 3-red up over 4-red but under 1-yellow.

Should look like this.  Notice 2-yellow.

Should look like this. Notice 2-yellow.

Bring 2-yellow down over 1-yellow.

Bring 2-yellow down over 1-yellow.

Slip 2-yellow through loop from 4-red.  This completes the FACE.

Slip 2-yellow through loop from 4-red. This completes the FACE.

Flip to the BACK.  Should look like this so far.  Notice 1-yellow.

Flip to the BACK. Should look like this so far. Notice 1-yellow.

Bring 1-yellow up under through red.  Notice 2-yellow.

Bring 1-yellow up under through red. Notice 2-yellow.

Bring 2-yellow down through loop from 1-yellow.  This completes the BACK.

Bring 2-yellow down through loop from 1-yellow. This completes the BACK.

Pull all ends gently to form the body.  Cut the ends down.

Pull all ends gently to form the body. Cut the ends down.

Save ends and glue in to make the tail.

Save ends and glue in to make the tail.

Completed Fish. Enjoy!

The creator of this guide has not included tools