How to make a fish tail using only 1 hair band

Make a fishtail braid using only one hair band. It looks a lot better than a normal fishtail, and it really easy and super fun💆💇👧


Everyone knows how to do a fish tail {herringbone}

Everyone knows how to do a fish tail {herringbone}

but not many people know how to successfully make a fish tail {or herringbone} with only 1 hair band. It is a little harder to do, but looks prettier that a normal fish tail in the end.

but not many people know how to successfully make a fish tail {or herringbone} with only 1 hair band. It is a little harder to do, but looks prettier that a normal fish tail in the end.

you start out with shoulder-length or longer hair

you start out with shoulder-length or longer hair

I highly suggest you brush or comb hair BEFORE braiding

I highly suggest you brush or comb hair BEFORE braiding

What works best for me is Wen by Chaz Dean. I swear. That comb it magic.

What works best for me is Wen by Chaz Dean. I swear. That comb it magic.

Divide the hair into two sections, like you would do in the start of a normal fish tail {herringbone}

Divide the hair into two sections, like you would do in the start of a normal fish tail {herringbone}

Do the same but from the other side. Repeat these steps from left, to right , to left, to right…and so on.

for a more laid-back look, make a loose braid by using bigger sections and not tightening

for a more laid-back look, make a loose braid by using bigger sections and not tightening

for a tighter look, use medium sized sections. After each time you cross over, pull as if you were tightening a ponytail

  • someone to braid
  • shoulder length or longer hair
  • 1.0 hair band
  • 1.0 comb or brush