How to make a fall place card

Make a Fall Place Card


Graphic 45 Artist Trading Tags Kraft and wood clothespins

Graphic 45 Artist Trading Tags Kraft and wood clothespins

Burlap with dots. You can paint dots using a pencil with erase. Wet paint the eraser part and apply firmly on the burlap. Then let it dry.

Burlap with dots. You can paint dots using a pencil with erase. Wet paint the eraser part and apply firmly on the burlap. Then let it dry.

Disassemble clothespins and glue paper on two sides.

Disassemble clothespins and glue paper on two sides.

Make a cut in the groove.

Make a cut in the groove.

Carefully assemble.

Carefully assemble.

Punch some leaves.

Punch some leaves.

Cut little pieces of burlap.

Cut little pieces of burlap.

Glue the burlap and a leaf in each tag.

Glue the burlap and a leaf in each tag.

Select your capital letters from Children's Hour Alphabet Stickers.

Select your capital letters from Children's Hour Alphabet Stickers.

Add the stickers.

Add the stickers.

Put some ribbon and cord.

Put some ribbon and cord.

Glue some flowers on the clothespins.

Glue some flowers on the clothespins.

Put the decorated clothespin so it can stand.

Put the decorated clothespin so it can stand.

They are ready!

They are ready!

  • 1.0 #4500847 Kraft Artist Trading Tags
  • 1.0 #4501247 Children’s Hour 6x6 Patterns&Solids
  • 1.0 #4501258 Children’s Hour Alphabet C Stickers
  • 4.0 Clothespins
  • 1.0 Burlap
  • 1.0 Ribbon