How to make a fake phone

Make a Fake Phone




First copy and paste a picture of the front and back of any kind of phone you watch.   Sorry my picture got kind of cut off.  Then size it the size you want.

First copy and paste a picture of the front and back of any kind of phone you watch. Sorry my picture got kind of cut off. Then size it the size you want.

Then signees your picture to the size you want it.   Then print you can print in color or in black or white and color it in.  I used color printer.

Then signees your picture to the size you want it. Then print you can print in color or in black or white and color it in. I used color printer.

Then cut out your two pictures.

Then cut out your two pictures.

Then glue one side of your phone down on a piece of card board

Then glue one side of your phone down on a piece of card board

Then cut out your card board that as the phone on it and glue the other side of the phone on the blank side of the cardboard.

Then cut out your card board that as the phone on it and glue the other side of the phone on the blank side of the cardboard.

Then voila you have a phone

Bonus TIP: you can make it big or small. You can make it for a Doll or make it just for fun.

  • Printer
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Computer or some place to print off of