How to make a fabric-covered bead necklace

Make a Fabric-Covered Bead Necklace


Iron your fabric

Iron your fabric

Figure out how long you want your necklace to be/how many beads you want to use

Figure out how long you want your necklace to be/how many beads you want to use

Cut a strip of fabric approximately 2 inches wide and the length you want plus about 4 or 5 inches.

Cut a strip of fabric approximately 2 inches wide and the length you want plus about 4 or 5 inches.

Sew the long edges together about 1/4 inch from the raw edges, right sides facing each other. Iron the seams open.

Sew the long edges together about 1/4 inch from the raw edges, right sides facing each other. Iron the seams open.

Pin a safety pin on one end and push it through the tube, bunching the fabric and pull the pin out the other side so the tube is now right side out.

Pin a safety pin on one end and push it through the tube, bunching the fabric and pull the pin out the other side so the tube is now right side out.

Put the first bead in the tube and, leaving about an inch on the end, sew through the tube and then wrap the thread around the outside. Stick the needle through the fabric and bead. Details next steps

Put the first bead in the tube and, leaving about an inch on the end, sew through the tube and then wrap the thread around the outside. Stick the needle through the fabric and bead. Details next steps

Stick needle through end of tube and then wrap thread around outside of tube 3 or 4 times.

Stick needle through end of tube and then wrap thread around outside of tube 3 or 4 times.

Now that thread is wrapped around bottom of bead, stick needle back inside tube and thread it through hole in bead, then pull out other end and again wrap around the top of bead on the outside of tube

Now that thread is wrapped around bottom of bead, stick needle back inside tube and thread it through hole in bead, then pull out other end and again wrap around the top of bead on the outside of tube

When the needle comes out the other end of the bead and tube, wrap the thread tightly around the outside of the tube. Put another bead in and stick the needle through it. Repeat until desired length.

When it's long enough, cut two lengths of ribbon and tuck each end of the tube inside itself so the raw edges aren't showing. Out ribbon in tube ends and sew neatly across. Ta daa!

  • Fabric
  • Thread
  • Needle
  • Sewing machine
  • Wooden Beads
  • Ribbon
  • Safety pin