How to make a edible slime

Make a Edible Slime


First,you would need all of your supplies out.

First,you would need all of your supplies out.

Second,grab the starburst and put them in the microwave and cook them for a minute.

Second,grab the starburst and put them in the microwave and cook them for a minute.

Third,after the starburst is cooked put your marshmellow in your bowl and cook it for a minit.

Third,after the starburst is cooked put your marshmellow in your bowl and cook it for a minit.

Forth,when your  marshmellows are done put the marshmellow and starbrust together and put 2 teaspoons of corn starch in the slim and mix it up intil it looks read.

Forth,when your marshmellows are done put the marshmellow and starbrust together and put 2 teaspoons of corn starch in the slim and mix it up intil it looks read.

Sixth,Now you are read to get it out of the bowl and play with your new yummy slim

New I promise you can play and play with your new yummy slime all day and all night.

  • Starburst
  • Microware
  • Marshmellow
  • Cornstarch
  • Bowl
  • Spoon