How to make a duct tape flower

Make a Duct Tape Flower


first gather your materials that are necessary for making the flower, which includes: a pen, duct tape, and scissors

first gather your materials that are necessary for making the flower, which includes: a pen, duct tape, and scissors

then pick where you want the duct tape flower to be on your pin

then pick where you want the duct tape flower to be on your pin

next cut a medium to small square around 3 inches of duct tape

next cut a medium to small square around 3 inches of duct tape

next fold one corner of the square down to form half of a triangle

next fold one corner of the square down to form half of a triangle

next fold the other corner down to make a triangle at the top of your square of duct tape  (it doesn't have to be perfectly even)

next fold the other corner down to make a triangle at the top of your square of duct tape (it doesn't have to be perfectly even)

next place the sticky part of the tape where you want to start your flower

next place the sticky part of the tape where you want to start your flower

next rap the duct tape around the base of the pen to make your first petal

next rap the duct tape around the base of the pen to make your first petal

next cut another square around 3 inches of duct tape (try and make them close to the same size)

next cut another square around 3 inches of duct tape (try and make them close to the same size)

then fold both corners down to make the triangle at the top of your duct tape square

then fold both corners down to make the triangle at the top of your duct tape square

then rap the duct tape on the opposite side of your first petal to even out your flower

then rap the duct tape on the opposite side of your first petal to even out your flower

continue these steps until the flower is a big as you like (tip place each petal where there is an empty spot on your flower)

  • pen
  • duct tape
  • scissors