How to make a duct tape bow

Make a Duct Tape Bow


First gather all your supplies

First gather all your supplies

Next decide how big you want your bow to be mine is 4x2 in.

Next decide how big you want your bow to be mine is 4x2 in.

Now lay out one side of the duct tape

Now lay out one side of the duct tape

Next cut it to the size you want with your exacto knife or scissors

Next cut it to the size you want with your exacto knife or scissors

The next step is just for people who just want a regular bow

The next step is for people who are making a hair tie

This step is for hair pins

Hope you liked this snapguid if you want to see something else just request it and comment if you want

Sorry for the bad filming guys my bad

  • Duct tape
  • Scissors or exacto Knife
  • hair tie or bobby pin
  • A cutting Matt or ruler