How to make a duct tape bow

Make a Duct Tape Bow


Get the duct tape

Get the duct tape

Rip off a piece

Rip off a piece

Here it is

Here it is

Rip off another piece but bigger

Rip off another piece but bigger

Here they are

Here they are

Lay the bigger piece down

Lay the bigger piece down

Then the other piece

Then the other piece

Fold it over

Fold it over

Leave that piece

Rip off a skinny piece for the middle

Rip off a skinny piece for the middle

Go back to the rectangle thingy ma bob

Fold it in half

Fold it in half

Now fold it horizontally  like a fan

Now fold it horizontally like a fan

There is a bow shape

There is a bow shape

Rip off a skinny piece

Rip off a skinny piece

Get a clip

Get a clip

And stick it on with that other piece

  • Clip
  • Duct tape
  • Scissors optional