How to make a drop down trap in minecraft

Make a Drop Down Trap in Minecraft


hello everyone. today, i will tell you how to build simple drop down trap!

hello everyone. today, i will tell you how to build simple drop down trap!

first, you will have to dig 10 x 6 space and dig down 2 blocks

first, you will have to dig 10 x 6 space and dig down 2 blocks

at center, make a 2x2 hole, and at least 3 blocks deep.

at center, make a 2x2 hole, and at least 3 blocks deep.

next to hole you made, place sticky pistons like that

next to hole you made, place sticky pistons like that

behind pistons, place base for redstone, which is quartz block as you can see. and then, place a block of your choice on sticky side of piston to use as floor

behind pistons, place base for redstone, which is quartz block as you can see. and then, place a block of your choice on sticky side of piston to use as floor

now time for redstone. place redstone repeater going into piston on base. those repeaters MUST BE FULL TICK DELAY. then, connect redstone like so.

now time for redstone. place redstone repeater going into piston on base. those repeaters MUST BE FULL TICK DELAY. then, connect redstone like so.

place additional repeaters and redstone dust like so. repeaters you place now should be in 1 tick delay.

place additional repeaters and redstone dust like so. repeaters you place now should be in 1 tick delay.

next, place a block and redstone torch on corner you didn't put redstone and connect with rest of circuit.

next, place a block and redstone torch on corner you didn't put redstone and connect with rest of circuit.

build stair that will pull redstone signal up.

build stair that will pull redstone signal up.

connect redstone coming up the stair and put 2 additional blocks which will be a wall. then, place a button.

connect redstone coming up the stair and put 2 additional blocks which will be a wall. then, place a button.

now redstone stuff is done! fill up the rest of the floor.

now redstone stuff is done! fill up the rest of the floor.

now here's the thing you should be careful about. corner that button is placed, you must left that space where my pointer is pointing to. if you put a block there, it will cut the circuit.

now here's the thing you should be careful about. corner that button is placed, you must left that space where my pointer is pointing to. if you put a block there, it will cut the circuit.

it's almost done. build your wall like so

it's almost done. build your wall like so

now, place an iron door next to button, and make a small room and put a chest. it will make player to press button.

now, place an iron door next to button, and make a small room and put a chest. it will make player to press button.

it's all done! now build a ceiling. also thing you should beware of is a place of door. if you place door right next to button, door will open up, which you dont want to. so, place door 1 block away.

it's all done! now build a ceiling. also thing you should beware of is a place of door. if you place door right next to button, door will open up, which you dont want to. so, place door 1 block away.

now trap is all set. whoever press that button, floor will open up, and they will fell into trap. you can make anything you want bottom of hole.

now trap is all set. whoever press that button, floor will open up, and they will fell into trap. you can make anything you want bottom of hole.

hope you enjoyed, and see you later.

hope you enjoyed, and see you later.

The creator of this guide has not included tools