How to make a dreadlock 🌞

Make a Dreadlock 🌞


so just starting this out, make sure that you really want either one dread, two dreads, or a whole head full ! they're permanent unless you cut them out, so make sure that you're totally into it. c :

put your hair up so that you don't get any hair that you don't want in the dread ! i left down my one dread & the hair that's gonna become a dread c :

put your hair up so that you don't get any hair that you don't want in the dread ! i left down my one dread & the hair that's gonna become a dread c :

split the hair that you want in half c :

split the hair that you want in half c :

the top part of the dread is the hardest part, just make sure that your dread starts at the highest point that it can ! c :

just keep dreading, just keep dreading c :

just keep dreading, just keep dreading c :

dred number 2 dude ! c :

dred number 2 dude ! c :

if your hair is super thin or your dread won't stay real easy, then you can put some of these bad boys in to hold it until it gets stronger ! just keep rolling your dread c :

if your hair is super thin or your dread won't stay real easy, then you can put some of these bad boys in to hold it until it gets stronger ! just keep rolling your dread c :

&& put some beads in to help hide gnarly parts of dreads ! also beads & shells are beautiful c :

&& put some beads in to help hide gnarly parts of dreads ! also beads & shells are beautiful c :

make sure not to put conditioner directly on your dread, it can unknot it ! & it's best not to dread clean hair, beachy hair is the best to dread because it's easier to knot together ! dread onnnn !🌞

  • cheap plastic hair hands