How to make a dollar bill origami bunny

Make a Dollar Bill Origami Bunny


For the record, there are so many steps because I wanted to make it detailed. It is super easy though :)

Start with a crisp dollar bill (this was the best one that I had. It can work with a regular bill too but the folds aren't as sharp.

Start with a crisp dollar bill (this was the best one that I had. It can work with a regular bill too but the folds aren't as sharp.

Turn it horizontally

Turn it horizontally

Fold one corner down so that it makes a point and lines up with the opposite side of the bill

Fold one corner down so that it makes a point and lines up with the opposite side of the bill

Unfold and do the same with the other side

Unfold and do the same with the other side

Unfold and flip the dollar over

Unfold and flip the dollar over

Fold the bill down so that the crease lies on the point of the triangle

Fold the bill down so that the crease lies on the point of the triangle



Flip over

Flip over

Create a waterbomb base

Create a waterbomb base

Flip over

Flip over

Fold the bottom of the bill up but not all the way. I do it so that the edge touches the bottom of the circle on the bill. The next picture will be better to see it

Fold the bottom of the bill up but not all the way. I do it so that the edge touches the bottom of the circle on the bill. The next picture will be better to see it

Fold in half

Fold in half

Fold the triangle down to look like this.

Fold the triangle down to look like this.

Repeat on the other side

Repeat on the other side

Fold the same ear up again on both sides. These will make the ears

Fold the same ear up again on both sides. These will make the ears

Now the feet are done

Now the feet are done

Here is what if should look like

Here is what if should look like

You can customize it if you like. I just fold in his nose and make it so it isn't flat

You can customize it if you like. I just fold in his nose and make it so it isn't flat

Isn't he adorable!?!

Isn't he adorable!?!

If anything was unclear, I used this guide from my "fold a day" calendar from 2010. Please like and comment!

If anything was unclear, I used this guide from my "fold a day" calendar from 2010. Please like and comment!

  • A crisp dollar bill