How to make a dessert of 5 ingredients or less

Make a Dessert of 5 Ingredients or Less


On a skillet, put your semolina.

Since the semolina runs the risk of being overcooked in a short time, keep it on a low flame.

Once the semolina turns brown, add milk, sugar and the strands of saffron.

Let it continue to simmer for about 2 minutes.

You may want to simultaneously stir the contents so that the sugar gets dissolved consistently. However since semolina is delicate, please do it slowly and carefully.

Once the milk starts to boil, put in the almonds, peeled prior and broken to pieces, to the hot semolina.

It is now ready to be served. It can be had both hot, or cold. My kids do have it refrigerated. Serve it in a bowl. You may use a spoon or slurp it. :)

  • 50.0g Semolina
  • 2.0c Full Milk
  • 4.0Tbsp Granulated sugar
  • 2.0tsp Almonds peeled
  • 3.0 Strands of Saffron