How to make a delicious raspberry cream cheese icing!!

Make a Delicious Raspberry Cream Cheese Icing!!


Get your cream cheese!!

Get your cream cheese!!

Wash your raspberries!!

Wash your raspberries!!

Mash the rasberries with a fork and add about two pinches of GRANULATED sugar

Mash the rasberries with a fork and add about two pinches of GRANULATED sugar

Put the cream cheese and the mixer and begin mixing

Put the cream cheese and the mixer and begin mixing

Mix until the cream cheese is smooth!! When its mixed begin adding POWDERED sugar gradually. I didn't measure this and just added the sugar until i felt it was sweet enough.

Mix until the cream cheese is smooth!! When its mixed begin adding POWDERED sugar gradually. I didn't measure this and just added the sugar until i felt it was sweet enough.

Next add your mashed rasberries slowly and add your food coloring if you are using it

Next add your mashed rasberries slowly and add your food coloring if you are using it

This is the final product on my chocolate rasberry cupcakes! Enjoy!

  • 2.0oz Cream cheese
  • Powdered sugar
  • 2.0oz Raspberries
  • 2.0pch Granulated sugar
  • Red or pink food coloring (optional)