How to make a delicious chocoflan

This is a layered chocolate cake and flan, its moist and creamy. YOU HAVE TO TRY IT!!!!!


Preheat your oven to 375 F

Start with the cake

Start with the cake

Follow the directions on the box to make the mix, not to bake it

Follow the directions on the box to make the mix, not to bake it

now the flan mix, beat the eggs manually and then add the rest of the ingredients, IF YOU DON'T BEAT THE EGGS BEFORE YOU ADD THE REST OF THE INGREDIENTS IT WILL TAKE LONGER TO GET THE MIX RIGHT

now the flan mix, beat the eggs manually and then add the rest of the ingredients, IF YOU DON'T BEAT THE EGGS BEFORE YOU ADD THE REST OF THE INGREDIENTS IT WILL TAKE LONGER TO GET THE MIX RIGHT

Add the vanilla extract. Do not use an electric mixer because you don't want any bubbles in your flan so just mix it together with a hand wisk

Add the vanilla extract. Do not use an electric mixer because you don't want any bubbles in your flan so just mix it together with a hand wisk

Put it aside when it's done

Put it aside when it's done

With the sugar and water make a caramel, turn your stove on hi

With the sugar and water make a caramel, turn your stove on hi

BE CAREFUL DON'T BUR IT It should have a dark golden color. As soon as it gets to that golden color turn the stove off and very quickly get to the next step, because it can burn in 3 seconds.

BE CAREFUL DON'T BUR IT It should have a dark golden color. As soon as it gets to that golden color turn the stove off and very quickly get to the next step, because it can burn in 3 seconds.

Then add the cake mix

Then add the cake mix

Put a pot of water to a boil

Put a pot of water to a boil

Grab your tray and you are going to do a double boiler

Grab your tray and you are going to do a double boiler

Wrap the pan in aluminum foil very tightly on the edges, put it inside the tray and pour the boiling water, so it covers half of the cake pan, my tray is big but you can use a smaller one.

Wrap the pan in aluminum foil very tightly on the edges, put it inside the tray and pour the boiling water, so it covers half of the cake pan, my tray is big but you can use a smaller one.

Put it in the oven and bake it for 1 hour and 30 min, then take it out of the double boiler, remove the aluminum foil and let it cool for about 1 hour.

Put it in the oven and bake it for 1 hour and 30 min, then take it out of the double boiler, remove the aluminum foil and let it cool for about 1 hour.

IT's DONE!!!! You can garnish with chopped walnuts on top

IT's DONE!!!! You can garnish with chopped walnuts on top

If you let the caramel get a little bit brown you will get something like this, i used a different cake mold on this one

  • 4 eggs
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 can of evaporated milk
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
  • 1 box of chocolate cake mix
  • What ever your cake mix requires
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 cup of water
  • Cake Pan
  • Tray