How to make a curly q smile.

Make a Curly Q Smile.


Tell silly jokes and leave tiny kisses until Curly Q is ready to cheeeeeeese.

Tell silly jokes and leave tiny kisses until Curly Q is ready to cheeeeeeese.

Appreciate all the sweetness the Curly Q is made of. Then, get 4 lips prepared for kisses and cake.

Appreciate all the sweetness the Curly Q is made of. Then, get 4 lips prepared for kisses and cake.

Remind the Curly Q that, even in sleepy moments like these, she's effing beautiful.

  • 1 Curly Q
  • 1 jazzy Frezh
  • 4 kissable lips
  • 2 grey-green eyes
  • 130 lbs Tender Affection