How to make a cucumber garnish

Make a Cucumber Garnish


Cut a cucumber lengthwise in half. To make a pedal: make a thin slice on the cucumber, do not cut through. Slice through a second cut.

Open up the slices to make a petal. Continue cutting and slicing to make necessary petals.

Small petals are make from end section: large petals are make from middle section of a cucumber; medium petals are made by cutting off 1/4 of the large petals.

You will need total of 5 of each size petals

Arrange five large size petals for the first layer of the flower. put medium size petals on top of the first layer, alternating the petals between layers.

Put the smallest petals on top to make a flower. Use chopped carrot for the flower center.

  • cucmber
  • carrot
  • knife
  • cutting board