How to make a crayon carving

Make a Crayon Carving




Prepare crayon

Prepare crayon

Determine height and size of head

Determine height and size of head

Canon proportion lines

Canon proportion lines

45 degree angle for nose

45 degree angle for nose

Front view of 45 degree angle

Front view of 45 degree angle

Carve around nose using a 45 degree angle

Carve around nose using a 45 degree angle

Carve cheek bones

Carve cheek bones



Begin mustache and beard

Begin mustache and beard

Carve deep lines first

Carve deep lines first

Then angle and round off

Then angle and round off

Using needle tool carve small hairs and details

Using needle tool carve small hairs and details

Paint over entire carved section and let dry for 10 mins

Paint over entire carved section and let dry for 10 mins

Using a paper towel rub over crayon leaving only the lines and carved area with black paint

Using a paper towel rub over crayon leaving only the lines and carved area with black paint

Finished crayon

Finished crayon

  • Construction paper crayons
  • Needle tool
  • Xacto knife
  • Black tempera paint
  • Dusting brush
  • Paint brush
  • White paper