How to make a cottage in minecraft

Make a Cottage in MineCraft


First find a flat spot to build your amazing creation

First find a flat spot to build your amazing creation

Build a square out of cobblestone     and fill it in

Build a square out of cobblestone and fill it in

Like this!

Like this!

Start building the walls out of wood planks

Start building the walls out of wood planks

Create a dot in the center of the square

Create a dot in the center of the square

Stand on this dot and decide where you want your chimney.

Stand on this dot and decide where you want your chimney.

Go to this corner and make a rectangle

Go to this corner and make a rectangle

Open the rectangle up and build up

Open the rectangle up and build up

Make a curve inward to keep your "fire" in the chimney

Make a curve inward to keep your "fire" in the chimney

Like this

Like this

Erase the dot

Erase the dot

Then make your wall four blocks tall. Next make a spot of two blocks that are near the chimney six more blocks tall

Then make your wall four blocks tall. Next make a spot of two blocks that are near the chimney six more blocks tall

Like this

Like this

Like this too

Like this too

Now make your chimney the same size as those six blocks

Now make your chimney the same size as those six blocks

Next make your chimney cobblestone instead of wood.

Next make your chimney cobblestone instead of wood.

Be sure to get the inside

Be sure to get the inside

Almost there

Almost there

Here now I'm done

Here now I'm done

Close the chimney up

Close the chimney up

Be sure you leave a spot you can travel through

Be sure you leave a spot you can travel through

Next to the roof! Start to make it look like stairs.

Next to the roof! Start to make it look like stairs.

Only two sides should be leading up to each other

Only two sides should be leading up to each other

If your roof is higher than your chimney that's not right. Higher your chimney if you need to

If your roof is higher than your chimney that's not right. Higher your chimney if you need to



Be sure everything evens up on the sides

Be sure everything evens up on the sides

Once bother sides are touching...

Once bother sides are touching...

Finish the row

Finish the row

For looks make sure there is no wood showing on the chimney

For looks make sure there is no wood showing on the chimney

Don't stress out if you do this. Even experts do it.

Don't stress out if you do this. Even experts do it.

Create a platform and a doorway

Create a platform and a doorway

Build stairs and a little bit of fencing around your platform

Build stairs and a little bit of fencing around your platform

Add some doors

Add some doors

Be sure that you build your chimney (once your done) four blocks taller than the point you can't see ( for the cottage effect)

Be sure that you build your chimney (once your done) four blocks taller than the point you can't see ( for the cottage effect)

Here is your new cottage! You can design the interior yourself. I believe that anyone can build anything! So live on MineCrafters!!! You are amazing ! Thank You

The creator of this guide has not included tools