How to make a computer in minecraft

Make a Computer in Minecraft


Make a 2x5 of wood planks

Make a 2x5 of wood planks

Add a hole in the back middle

Add a hole in the back middle

Place a redstone torch in the hole

Place a redstone torch in the hole

Then cover it up and place a iron trap door

Then cover it up and place a iron trap door

Then make another hole in front of the first.

Then make another hole in front of the first.

Add an armor stand

Add an armor stand

Then add a chain mail helmet on top of the armor stand.

Then add a chain mail helmet on top of the armor stand.

Add a piston two blocks on top and the wood you used under it.

Add a piston two blocks on top and the wood you used under it.

Activate the piston.

Activate the piston.

Then mine the piston and add a picture on the trap door.

Then mine the piston and add a picture on the trap door.

On the right hand side of the computer put a stone button.

On the right hand side of the computer put a stone button.

Thank you for looking at this guide everyone. Also if you want a chair to go with it make shur to check out my other guides. See you later

  • Minecraft