How to make a combination lock in minecraft 🔓

Make a Combination Lock in Minecraft 🔓


Place any solid block with an item frame and an item on it.

Place any solid block with an item frame and an item on it.

Turn the item to what you want it to be.

Put a comparator behind the block and put redstone dust until the signal goes out.

Put a comparator behind the block and put redstone dust until the signal goes out.

Put this at the end of the redstone line.

Put this at the end of the redstone line.

Add a redstone torch to invert the signal.

Add a redstone torch to invert the signal.

The redstone torch it the output. You can hook it up to a door or lamp.

The redstone torch it the output. You can hook it up to a door or lamp.

Combine multiple of these together to make a password. Each item frame is one digit that can be 1-8.

Combine multiple of these together to make a password. Each item frame is one digit that can be 1-8.

You can make this more compact but I built it spaced out so it is easier to see.

The creator of this guide has not included tools